Sunday, 8 August 2010

My First Blog!

Well I am new to the world of blogging so Hello!!!
I decided to start this blog for 2 reasons.
Firstly to share the complete chaos that mostly reigns in our household, to help me see the funny side of it all and keep me sane. And secondly to share any pearls of wisdom or ideas that might be helpful to any other mums out there who are either trying to juggle work and home life.  My son is 3 and (a very important half) and my daughter turns 1 this coming week and I am just back to work following my maternity leave, 4 days a week.

When my little girl is having her nap I try to use this time to do some fun activity with my son. Yesterday, thanks to Mister Maker, my son and I spent nap time making "Splat Pictures" I covered an area of the kitchen floor with plastic sheeting and off we went.... basically soaking little sponges in watery paint, putting them on the paper then splatting them with a wooden spoon!!! Much fun, worth sacrificing a wooden spoon for.
Then to try and get 5 mins to empty the dishwasher I asked my son..."how about you paint mummy a lovely picture to make me happy..?"   He thought for a while and the responded..."mmm, I could do you a flower....or....a glass of wine?"  out of the mouths of babes!!! 